Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Top Ten {Tuesday} Moments...

My Top Ten for the week :)

1. Sitting on the beach with a loved one, sharing kisses in the silence while the waves crash on the shore.
2. Laughing until my cheeks burn with my best friend. 
3. The sound of rain dancing on the pavement while I laugh and play in the rain.
4. Sitting around a fire with friends.. intoxicated of cours
5. Watching fireworks explode as my heart swells with excitement.
6. Lightning storms that take out the power and force us to be in candle light.
7. Missing someone who misses me as well.
8. Rough housing with the boys, and actually kicking their butts :)
9. Realizing that I've accomplished goals larger then I had imagined.
10. The feeling of loss, because it means that I had actually cared.

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